Studies show that this type of "active stillness" activity can lower blood pressure and heart rate, provides a repetitive, rhythmic, calming response similar to meditation and Tai Chi.
When I have asked these knitters why they do it, they claim :
It's a good distraction that keeps you away from the fridge
I can ignore people I don't like...
Skill of the month:
Autogenics is an effective way to relax your entire body.
Try this easy technique as you transition into work or home to make a distinct dividing line between needing to DO and just BEING. After all, we are humanBEINGS, not humanDOERS.
Take a deep breath, way down into your belly. Say the word "warm" to yourself as you breathe in.
As you exhale, say the word "heavy" to yourself.
Repeat the in breath, thinking "warm"to yourself.
Let it go and think "heavy" upon breathing out.
Feel the warmth and heaviness in your arms and legs and let this feeling spread through your whole body. Feel each muscle become heavy and warm as you become totally relaxed.
Stay in this "BEING"moment for as long as you wish...
I hope these simple yet effective stress reduction tips will help you see that you are in control of how stress affects you. I can't take away your stress, but I can help you change your perception of the things you experience and then control how these events affect your mood, health and longevity.Take full deep belly breaths often when you feel good and you can eventually use deep breaths to calm yourself when you need it. Breathe in through your nose, belly pushes out/breathe out through nose or mouth and belly comes back down.
Finding some quiet time is also good when you are becoming more aware of how you feel about and how you respond to stressors in your life.
Stressors can be people, events or even thoughts, feelings and memories.They affect you differently than they affect others, stress is personal and perspective oriented. How you respond though, will determine many things, from how those around you respond to how your body ages.
Lower heart rate, blood pressure and increase feelings of well being by doing one easy, free, thing the next two weeks:
Listen to only classical music while in your car or on headphones (try 89.3FM in Pittsburgh). This is most beneficial during commutes and for some transitional quiet time before going into the house after work. Try this for two weeks. Let me know what you think. Keep breathing!